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Police Aviation Units

ja14mpThe Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Aviation Unit’s Agusta-Bell AB139 is
normally based at Tokyo Heliport. The aircraft is seen here at the unit’s other
base, the JGSDF’s Tachikawa Army Camp.

The December 1959 issue of Aireview reported that the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Board would be the first to receive aircraft by the end of that year. Two crews were then in training to operate the Kawasaki-built Bell 47G, which was said to have cost 18 million yen. All 47 of Japan’s prefectural-level administrations now operate helicopters in support of their police forces.

This section will ultimately provide information about the aircraft, personnel, and operations of these units. For the time being, tables listing the aircraft operated by each police aviation unit have been added below. Interspersed with a growing number of photographs, the subjects of which appear in bold type, these tables will eventually be moved to a separate Data File page.

The latest addition to the Kanagawa force and a new type in Japanese police service is this
Airbus Industries H160.
(Photo [Nov. 2024]: すくいぶるー via X @shonan787)

Pre-flight scenes show (above) the since retired Nagano Prefectural Police AS365N3 and
(below) the Aichi A109E at their respective Matsumoto and Nagoya airport bases.

(Photos: [Top] 瑠菜 via Twitter @ja97na_0412;
[above] てっちゃん via Twitter @aichi_mof_vol via Twitter @ae01152751)

Not surprisingly, Japanese police force helicopters do not share the flamboyant colour schemes of their counterparts in prefectural fire and disaster relief units. Aside from the titling to indicate by which prefecture they are operated and individual aircraft names, police helicopters are clad in variations of a uniform blue “uniform” and wrapped in a high-visibility dayglo stripe. Standard markings consist of a Japanese national flag on either side of the engine housing and a floral Order of the Rising Sun marking, which in gold forms part of the National Police Agency’s badge, wherever space will allow on either side of the tail or fuselage. The Niigata force (q.v.) seems alone in having applied badges to its aircraft. 

Police AS365An unmarked AS365 undergoes pre-delivery flight testing at the Airbus Helicopters Japan facility
 in Kobe. At the end of March 2015, three H155 (formerly designated EC155) and six AS365
helicopters were in service with prefectural police units.
In June 2020, the National Police
Agency was operating 12 H135, four H155 and still six AS365 helicopters.
(Photo: Airbus Helicopters Japan/Chikako Hirano)  

Please note that the In Service Date(s) are based on registration/cancellation data and are for guidance purposes only. For example, although the Yamagata Prefectural Police Agusta A109E JA80GT was registered in December 2007, the aircraft commenced operational service in February 2008.

(All photographs on this website are copyright J-HangarSpace
unless otherwise stated.) 

Aichi Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Nagoya-Komaki Prefectural Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 47G-2 JA7316 220   Sept. 1961 to Mar. 1968*
Fuji-Bell 204B JA9126 CH-35   Dec.1974 to Nov. 1980
Bell 206B
JetRanger II
JA9719 2209   Nov. 1977 to Apr. 2000
JA9444 3942 Akatsuki

Sept. 1999 to Apr. 2008**

Bell 412EP JA21AP 36244 Akebono Dec. 2000 (ex N63901)
BK117B-2 JA6781 1091 Asayake 1 Mar. 1996 to July 2017
BK117C-1 JA6816 1131 Asayake 2 Jan. 2002
A109E Power JA6922 11718 Akatsuki Feb. 2008
BK117C-2 JA11AP 4043 Asayake 1 Flight tested Dec. 2016
* Still on display at Ishikawa Aviation Plaza, Komatsu Airport (July 2021) 
Retired Bell 206B JA9444 previously with Ishikawa Prefectural Police Aviation Unit, 1986–1999
Last updated: Jan. 8, 2022

All of the Aichi unit’s helicopters have been given names related to the sunrise: akebono and akatsuki both mean dawn or daybreak; asayake means morning glow.

A109E Akatsuki (Photo [Mar. 2018]: もりかわ via Twitter @Mkrm_DDG)

Taxying in the hover at Takamatsu Airport, Kagawa Prefecture, in early September 2021 is
the Bell 412EP operated by Aichi Prefectural Police. T
his aircraft is equipped for
Special Assault Team
(SAT) anti-terrorism operations. Note the lack of a dayglo
 fuselage stripe.
(Photo: だいきち via Twitter @DAISAN87922175)

JA6816Aichi Police BK117C-1 JA6816 parked at its Nagoya Airport home base in August 2013.
(Photo: Alec Wilson via Wikimedia Commons)

A pre-departure ceremony concluded, the crew of BK117C-2 JA11AP prepares to depart on a
patrol of local sections the Tomei Expressway, which connects Tokyo and Nagoya. Involving
a higher profile police presence and stiffer penalties, a new initiative was intended to
improve driver behaviour and thus traffic safety.
(Photo [Oct. 2019]: 愛知県警察広報 via Twitter @AP_KOUHOU)

Akita Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Akita Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206B JA9216 2548   Mar. 1979 to Jan. 2001
BK117C-1 JA6812 1125 Yamadori Feb. 2000 to Sept. 2022
BK117D-3* JA005Y 21027 Yamadori Del. June 30, 2022
Last updated: Dec. 12, 2024

This unit’s first BK117C-1 carried the name Yamadori (Copper Pheasant), the official bird of
Akita Prefecture.
(Photo [Mar. 2021]: KJ via Twitter @JA10GR_JA10GP)

The second aircraft to bear the Yamadori name, JA005Y was flown for the first time at KHI Gifu
on November 25, 2021
(link). The aircraft is seen here at its home base three years later.
(Photo: 綿矢 via X @Wataya_axt)

akita206The Bell 206B formerly operated by Akita Police is now used as an instructional airframe by the
Japan Aviation Academy Wajima (JAAW) in its hangar at Noto Airport, Ishikawa Prefecture.
(Photo courtesy Masayuki Sakamoto, JAAW)

Aomori Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Aomori Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206B JA9362 3743 Hakuchou Mar. 1979 to 2005
(Apr. 2005 photo: [link])
Bell 412EP JA826A 36350 Hakuchou Jan. 2005
Last updated: July 3, 2013

The whooper swan was adopted as the official bird symbol of Aomori Prefecture in 1964,
and its police helicopters have both borne the
hiragana characters for
hakuchou, the equivalent Japanese word.
(Photo [by Chofu Spotter Aria, posted Sept. 2013]: ゆりっぺ via Twitter @MisatoTachibana)

Chiba Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Narita International Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206B

JetRanger II

JA9129 1318 Katori 3 July 1974 to Jan. 1996
JA9214 2490 Katori 2 Jan. 1979 to July 2000
AS332L1 JA9680 2228 Katori 1 Mar. 1988 to ??*
Bell 206L-4 JA6170 52135 Katori 3 Sept. 1995
BK117C-1 JA6815 1128 Katori 2 Mar. 2000
AW139 JA91CP 31334 Katori 1 Sept. 2011
BK117C-2 JA93CP 4039  Katori 3 ff Dec. 4, 2015
(to replace JA6170)
* AS332L1 damaged by tsunami when undergoing maintenance at JAMCO, Sendai airport, Mar. 11, 2011. Was in storage awaiting refurbishment in Vancouver, Canada (May 2014)
Last updated: Dec. 7, 2024

JA6170Replaced in 2016, the original Katori 3 is seen here in flight in January 2010. All the Chiba
unit’s aircraft are named after the shrine city of Katori in the north of the prefecture.
(Photo: Kentaro Iemoto via Wikimedia Commons)

(Photo, Mar. 2022]: なぎさ via X @KatanoNagisa)

chibapoliceaw139Added to the helicopter ranks of the Chiba Prefectural Police Aviation Unit in 2011 was
AgustaWestland AW139
Katori 1

Ehime Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Matsuyama Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Hughes 369HS JA9075 6621 Iyo Feb. 1972 to Oct. 1988*
Bell 206L-3 JA9708 51226 Ishizuchi Nov. 1987 to Aug. 2009
A109E Power JA03EP 11755 Ishizuchi Feb. 2009
* Operated by Fukuoka Prefectural Police Oct. 1972 to Apr. 1974
Last updated: Jan. 8, 2022

Although the first Ehime Prefectural Police helicopter was named Iyo after a city in central Ehime,
its two successors have both been named
Ishizuchi after a sacred peak in the prefecture.
(Photo [Mar. 2018]: もりかわ via Twitter @Mrkm_DG)

Fukui Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Fukui Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206L-3 JA6024 51377 Kuzuryuu Sept. 1990 to 2011
EC135T2+ JA110K 0962 Kuzuryuu Jan. 2011
Last updated: July 3, 2013

Named Kuzuryuu after a river and lake in the prefecture, the Fukui Prefectural Police
EC135T2+ passes in front of the Doctor-Heli hangar at Fukui Airport.

(Photo [posted Apr. 2021]: Y. Kazuho via Twitter @FgZUHO)

Fukuoka Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Fukuoka Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 47G-2 JA7313 218   Sept. 1961 to Mar. 1978
Hughes 369HS* JA9075 6621   Oct. 1972 to Apr. 1974
Fuji-Bell 204B JA9111 CH-32 Tobiume Jan. 1974 to Apr. 1996
Bell 206B JA9140 1529   Aug. 1975 to May 1996
Bell 206L-4 JA6174 52147 Sachikaze Nov. 1995 to Jan. 2015
Bell 412EP* JA01FP 36245 Tobiume 2 Dec. 2000
AS365N2 JA6762 6490 Tobiume 1 Aug. 1995 to Oct. 2017
EC135P2+ JA02FP 1137 Sachikaze Mar. 2014
AS365N3+** JA03FP 7012 Tobiume 1 Del. Dec. 2016
H225 JA002P 2963 Fukutaka  
* Acquired from and returned to Ehime Prefectural Police
* Bell 412EP equipped for Special Assault Team (SAT) anti-terrorism operations
** Replacement for JA6762, AS365N3+ order announced March 2015
Last updated: Dec. 11, 2024

First registered to manufacturer Airbus Helicopters in April 2021, the Fukuoka Police H225
Fukutaka (‘Hawk of Good Fortune’) was used for crew training throughout the rest of that 
year before joining the ranks.
(Photo [posted July 2021]: テルル via Twitter @TF_435Sqn)

JA02FP Sachikaze (Fortuitous Wind) (Photo [Oct. 2020]: ちぃすけ via X @mononoke2020)

Fukuoka Prefectural Police JA03FP Tobiume (Flying Plum Blossom) at Sendai Airport,
Miyagi Prefecture, in 2018.
(Photo: sawakazuair via Twitter @sawakazu_air139)

Fukuoka Police helicopters past and present fleet. (Above) Bell 206L-4 Sachikaze (Fortunate Wind)
and (below) Bell 412EP Tobiume 2, seen at their Fukuoka airport home base in December 2008.

JA01FP(Photos: Amayagan via Wikimedia Commons)

Displayed in the history corner at the Tokyo Aerospace Show in October 2016, previously Fukuoka-
operated Bell JA7313 is one of five former police helicopters in the Helicopter History
Preservation Association
(HHPA) collection kept in Higashi-Matsuyama,
Saitama Prefecture. This machine was added to the collection in 1996.

This photo (link) shows JA7313 during its service career, on the east side of what was then Itazuke AB (now Fukuoka Airport) in July 1970.

fukuoka204Formerly operated by the Fukuoka Prefectural Police Aviation Unit, Fuji-Bell 204B JA9111 is now
used as an instructional airframe by Japan Aviation Academy Wajima (JAAW) at its hangar
at Noto Airport, Ishikawa Prefecture.
(Photo courtesy Masayuki Sakamoto, JAAW)

Fukushima Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Fukushima Police Heliport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206B JA9329 3648 Bandai July 1982 to May 2004
Bell 412EP JA6773 36112 Azuma Jan. 1996 to 2014
A109E Power JA110B 11228 Bandai Feb. 2004
AW139 JA139F 41373 Azuma Late 2014*
* Crashed when crew attempted emergency landing in rice field in Koriyama, Feb. 1, 2020
(See Bulletin Board). 
Although non-fatal, the accident resulted in four of the seven occupants sustaining serious injuries. In January 2021, crash investigators were looking into how the main and tail rotors had come into contact.

Published in December 2023, the accident report (link) stated that the likely initiating cause was a strong downdraft while flying at high speed over a mountainous region in strong wind conditions.

Last updated: Dec. 7, 2024

 JA6773The Bell 412EP Azuma formerly operated by the Fukushima Prefectural Police Aviation Unit. 
(Photo [October 2010]: “Cp9asngf” via Wikimedia Commons)

The AW139 previously operated by Fukushima Prefectural Police at Hanamaki Airport, Iwate
Prefecture, in December 2017, having brought attendees for a rescue procedures meeting in
the town of Iwaizumi,which had suffered fatalities during a typhoon the previous year.
This aircraft was written off following a non-fatal accident on February 1, 2020.
(Photo: 航空機大好きカメラマン via Twitter @AW139AW169)

The Fukushima A109E outside the Hokkaido Prefectural Police Aviation Unit hangar at Okadama
on September 11, 2018. The occasion was a ceremony to bid farewell to members of sister
units drafted in as reinforcements in the aftermath of an earthquake that had struck
the Iburi region five days before.
(Photo: CJ via Twitter @armingarea1836

Gifu Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base JASDF Gifu
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206B JA9363 3744 Raichou Sept. 1983 to July 2005
Bell 412EP JA110G 36352 Raichou Feb. 2005
Last updated: July 3, 2013

The Gifu Police Bell 412EP is named Raichō (Ptarmigan).
(Photo [Oct. 2021]: TAGU via Twitter @tagu_arw)

Gunma Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Gunma Heliport, Maebashi*
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206L-3 JA9716 51229 Akagi Jan. 1988 to Jan. 2009
A109E Power JA01GP 11715 Akagi Jan. 2008
* See Location Report 2 here
Last updated: Sept. 16, 2013

gunmapoliceGunma Police AgustaWestland A109E Power JA01GP Akagi

(Above and below) HeliService Bell 505 Jetranger X JA505A was used by Gunma Police as
an occasional stand-in helicopter for
Akagi from 2021 to 2023. In between times, the same
company also provided Bell 206B-3 JetRanger III JA9737 for a time from December 2022.

(Photos: [Top] Nov. 2021; [above] posted Jan. 2023 stone via X @stone15DJ)

Hiroshima Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Hiroshima-Nishi Airfield
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 47G3B-KH4 JA7458 2101 Soyokaze Feb. 1972 to May 1983
Fuji-Bell 204B JA9142 CH-34 Miyajima 1 Dec. 1975 to Jan. 1996
Bell 206B JA9331 3648 Miyajima July 1982 to Apr. 2004
AS365N2* JA6761 6487 Miyajima 1 Aug. 1995 to Nov. 2015
A109E Power JA22HP 11227 Miyajima 2 Jan. 2004
AS365N3+ JA11HP 6973 Miyajima 1 Registered Sept. 2014, del. Mar. 2015
* AS365N2 previously named Miyajima 2
Last updated: Dec. 11, 2024

The Hiroshima Prefectural Police AS365N3+ Miyajima 1 helps to mount security during the
passage of the Olympic Games torch relay in April 2021.
(Photo: MOR1 via Twitter @anm10w3079)

(Photo [posted Nov. 2024]: たかっかMk.3 via X @takakka_mk3)

This photo from December 1980 (link) shows JA7458 Soyokaze (Gentkle Breeze or Zephyr), Hiroshima’s first police helicopter.

This August 1985 photo (link) shows JA9142 Miyajima 1 with the Yamanashi Police Bell 222 at Takasaki Heliport, Gunma Prefecture. Both had been drafted in to assist in the major search operation that followed the Japan Airlines Flight 123 disaster. 

Hokkaido Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Hokkaido Police Heliport, Sapporo-Okadama Airport*
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 47G3B-KH4 JA7375 2015 Ginrei 1 Oct. 1963 to July 1980

Fuji-Bell 204B

JA9068 CH-26   Nov. 1971 to Mar. 1972
JA9095 CH-29 Ginrei Mar. 1973 to June 1994

Bell 206B

JetRanger II

JA9178 2205 Ginrei 1 Nov. 1977 to July 1998
JA9237 2693 Ginrei 2 July 1979 to Oct. 2001
JA9413 3878 Ginrei 1 July ’98 to Aug. 2007**

Bell 412EP

JA6772 36111 Daisetsu 2 (ex N3292X)
Jan. 1996 to May 2016
JA01HP 36237 Daisetsu 3 Dec. 1999 (ex N60506)
AS365N2 JA6727 6460 Daisetsu 1 Mar. 1994***
EC135P1 JA02HP 0170 Ginrei 2 Mar. 2001
A109E Power JA03HP 11691 Ginrei 1 Mar. 2007
AW139 JA04HP 31440 Daisetsu 1 Dec. 2012
AW139 JA05HP 41372 Daisetsu 2 Mar. 2015
* Formerly based at JGSDF Okadama

** Retired Bell 206B JA9413 operated by Wakayama Prefectural Police Aviation Unit, 1985–1998
*** JA6727 caught in tsunami when undergoing maintenance at JAMCO, Sendai, Mar. 11, 2011, registration canx’d Dec. 2011 

Last updated: Jan. 7, 2022

The current heavy-lift flagship of the Hokkaido Prefectural Police, AW139 Daisetsu gets airborne
from a snow-covered Okadama in February 2021. The force has traditionally named aircraft
Daisetsu after the group of mountain peaks in Hokkaido’s Daisetsuzan National Park .

(Photo: kazu via Twitter @kazu64236741)


Seen at Okadama in September 2008 were the then newest addition A109E Power (above) and the
(below), named Ginrei 1 and Ginrei 2, respectively. Literally meaning slver bell, the
poetic word
ginrei refers to the silver-white snow on the top of a mountain.

JA02HP(Photos: “100yen” via Wikimedia Commons)

(Above and below) Going back in time to Okadama Airport in October 2007, the force was
then operating two Bell 412EPs, including JA6772. This aircraft’s registration was
cancelled in May 2016.
(Photos: “100yen” via Wikimedia Commons)

Daisetsu 2

JA01HPStill in service late in 2021, sister aircraft Daisetsu 3 parked in front of the Hokkaido Police hangar
at Okadama in September 2008.
(Photo: “100yen” via Wikimedia Commons

Daisetsu 1 (Photo [posted July 2023]: YouKey via X @viper7107)

Former Hokkaido Police Bell 47G JA7375 was still on display in a semi-disassembled state at the Sapporo Science Center in October 2021 (link).

Hokkaido Police’s second Fuji-Bell 204B JA9095 at Takasaki Airport, Gunma Prefecture, in August (link) and September 1985 (link) in the adftermath of the Japan Airlines Flight 123 disaster.

Hyogo Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Osaka Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206B

JetRanger II

JA9157 1998 Hiyodori Sept. 1976 to Nov. 1997
JA9388 3797 Hiyodori Dec. 1996 to May 2006*
Bell 222 JA9548 47022 Hyougo Apr. 1980 to May 1989
S-76B JA6765 760439 Fuenikkusu* Feb. 1996
A109E Power JA110H 11661 Hiyodori Jan. 2006
H155 JA155H 6998 Fuenikkusu*
Feb. 2015
* Phoenix
Last updated: Dec. 11, 2024

JA6765The S-76B formerly operated by the Hyogo police force during a visit to
Osaka International Airport in April 2010.
(Photo: “J o” via Wikimedia Commons)

One of the pair of helicopters currently in police service in Hyogo, the A109E Power is
Hiyodori (Bulbul). (Photo: Hyogo Prefectural Police Headquarters
Transportation Planning Division via Twitter @HPP_TPD)

Hyogo Police JA155H at an Aviation Day event held at Kobe Heliport in November 2017.
(Photo: ESPER via Twitter @esper_hk)

Hyogo Police’s initial equipment, the Bell 206B JA9157, in flight at Osaka International Airport in June 1977 (link)

After 12 years’ service with the Kagoshima force, Bell 206B JA9388 was registered with the Hyogo fleet in December 1996. The aircraft is seen here (link) at Osaka International Airport in August 2005.

Ibaraki Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base JASDF Hyakuri
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206B JA9217 2552 Hibari Mar. 1979 to Aug. 2000
Bell 206L-3 JA6144 52090 Shihou (ex N22888)
Oct. 1994 to c. July 2015
BK117C-1 JA6813 1126 Hibari Feb. 2000 to 2022
H135 JA18RK 2146 Hibari (2022)
Last updated: Dec. 11, 2024

In the late summer of 2021, the Ibaraki Police unit acquired its first new equipment for
21 years. The H135
(EC135T3) in question was, however, still registered to
Airbus Helicopters for crew training in December 2021.
(Photo [Shizuoka Heliport, Dec. 2021]: TA_KU via Twitter @ta_ku_nkn073)

The registration of this the second aircraft to bear the Hibari name was cancelled in September 2022.
(Photo [Hyakuri AB/Ibaraki Airport, Aug. 2021]: なぎさ via X @KatanoNagisa)

BK117B-2 JA6651 was drafted in by Ibaraki Police as a stopgap measure in February 2020 and
from October that year to early 2021. Then owned by the DHC Corporation cosmetics company’s
now defunct helicopter division, its registration was cancelled in August 2021.

(Photo [posted Sept. 2021]: ぺ via X @6813_bk117)

The first Ibaraki police helicopter to bear the name Hibari (Lark), Bell 206B JA9217 was on static display at JASDF Hyakuri AB in November 1991 (link).

Ishikawa Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Ishikawa Prefectural Police Heliport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206B JA9444 3942 Inuwashi Sept. 1986 to Sept. 1999*
BK117C-1 JA6811 1122 Inuwashi Mar. 1999 to Apr. 2021
Bell 429 JA14PE 57388 Inuwashi Apr. 2022
* Bell 206B transferred to Aichi Prefectural Police
Last updated: Dec. 7, 2024

The second Inuwashi (Golden Eagle)
(Photo [posted Jan. 2021]: K. Saito via Twitter @KsaitoHeliPhoto)

The third Inuwashi, Bell 429 JA14PE (Photo [July 2022]: ふとめさん via X @futomesan)

Iwate Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Hanamaki Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206B JA9414 3879   Aug. 1985 to Aug. 1999*
BK117C-1 JA6809 1120 Iwate Mar. 1993 to Feb. 2022
SUBARU 412EPX JA412X 39102 Ginga (del. May 19, 2021)
* Bell 206B transferred to Miyagi Prefectural Police
Last updated: Dec. 9, 2024

Placed at the Paris Air Show in June 2019, the kick-off order for the SUBARU BELL 412EPX was
 from Iwate Police. Registered to SUBARU from August 2020 and named
Ginga (Milky Way),
the aircraft is seen here during flight tests at the Japanese company’s Utsunomiya airfield
on February 17, 2021. The following month, its registration passed to Iwate Police, which
took delivery on May 19, 2021.
(Photo: Mizuki via Twitter @JuraMiyabi)

The former Iwate Police mount JA6809 (Photo [posted July 2020]: Dai via Twitter/X @daisuke_aiz)

Kagawa Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Takamatsu Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206L-3 JA9778 51262 Sanuki Dec. 1988 to Oct. 1998*
S-76B JA6766 760447 Sanuki Mar. 1996 to 2017
H155B1** JA110U 6995 Sanuki Del. Dec. 2016
* Bell 206L-3 transferred to Mie Prefectural Police
** Replacement H155 order announced March 2015; fourth in Japan (after Tokyo [2] and Hyogo)
Last updated: Dec. 27, 2021

Kagawa Prefectural Police’s H155B1 departs its Takamatsu Airport base in early September 2021.
The ‘U’ in its registration is a reference to
udon (thick noodles), a Kagawa speciality,
and the aircraft is even named
Sanuki after a type of udon.
(Photo: だいきち via Twitter @DAISAN87922175)

The second-generation Sanuki commenced operations with the Kagawa Prefectural Police in 1996.
This photo was taken at Kounan Airport, Okayama Prefecture, in February 2017, the year in
which this aircraft was retired from service.
(Photo: YUKIHIDE via Twitter @RJBK_spotter)

Kagoshima Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Kagoshima Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206B JA9388 3797 Hayato Oct. 1984 to Dec. 1996*
Bell 412EP JA6771 36110 Hayato (ex N3292R)
Jan. 1996 to Apr. 2016
AW139 JA15KP  41402 Hayato Dec. 2015
* Bell 206B transferred to Hyogo Prefectural Police
Last updated: Dec. 30, 2021

The Kagoshima Police AW139’s Hayato name is that of one of the force’s mascots, which in 2019
appeared as the hero in a TV detective drama series.
(Photo: かねやん via Twitter @AURIS_414)

This photo (link) of Bell 412EP Hayato overflying its Kagoshima Airport base was taken in early December 2015. At that time its replacement, imported by Mitsui Bussan, was already coming to the end of its test flight programme.

As a stand-in, Nakanihon Air Service’s 1995-vintage Bell 412EP JA6767 was being
flown with Kagoshima Prefectural Police titles from around September 2024.

(Photo [Dec. 2024]: しょうじ太郎 via X @Shoji_taro) 

JA6771 at Kanoya in May 1996 (Photo: Takao Kadokami)

Kanagawa Prefectural Police Aviation Unit (Part 1/2)
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 47G3B-KH4 JA7457 2065 Kamome 1 Mar. 1967 to Sept. 1982
Hughes 369HS JA9050 6610   July 1970 to Dec. 1985
Bell 47G-2 JA7065 178 Kamome 2 Mar. 1972 to Apr. 1977
Bell 206B

JetRanger II

JA9130 1343 Hamakaze Nov. 1974 to June 1996
JA9330 3643 Kamome July 1982 to Mar. 2007
Bell 222 JA9568 47074 Tanzawa Nov. 1981 to Apr. 2003
Bell 206L-4 JA6173 52145 Hamakaze (ex N64050)
Nov. 1995 to July 2014








Sagami II

July 1985
BK-117A-3 May 1990
BK-117B-1 Mar. 1993


Mar. 1996 to July 2011
JA6780 1086 Ooyama Mar. 1996 to Aug. 2016
* Previously (1960 to 1972) operated by Tokyo Metropolitan Police Dept.
** Progressively upgraded BK117 JA9626 was operated as a prefectural government aircraft.
Last updated: Jan. 12, 2021

September 1, 1983. The Bell 222 then operated by the Kanagawa Prefectural Police takes part in a
realistic joint training exercise that involved elements from six Kanto region prefectures.
Regional training events form a major part of aviation unit coordination training.

(Photo: aim7ExblogJp via X @JpExblogAim7)

August 18, 1992. The Kanagawa Bell 222 flies over Yokosuka naval base. Moored in the background
background are the JMSDF destroyers
Yūgiri (DD-153), Amagiri (DD-154) and Setogiri (DD-156).
(Photo: U.S. National Archives/U.S. Navy PH2 Stephen Cook)

The second Kanagawa police helicopter to bear the name Hamakaze (Beach Wind), Bell 206 JA6173 is seen here (link) at Niigata Airport in June 2003 and here (link) shortly before its retirement at Yokohama Heliport in May 2014.

JA6780The former Kanagawa Prefectural Police BK117B-2 Ooyama, August 2014
(Photo: “Mj-bird” via Wikimedia Commons)

Kanagawa Prefectural Police Aviation Unit (Part 2/2)
Base Yokohama Heliport and JMSDF Atsugi
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)

Bell 206L-4

JA07KP 52337 Kamome Jan. 2007
AS365N3 JA03KP 6640 Tanzawa Jan. 2003 to ?
AW109SP JA14KP 22319 Hamakaze Reg’d Apr. 2013*
BK117C-2 JA16KP  4038 Ooyama Test flown Oct. 2015
  (replaced JA6780)
H160** JA24KP 1038 Tanzawa (Del. Nov. 2024)
* Due to have entered service by the end of March 2014, AW109SP made first flight in Japan Dec. 6, 2013.
** Arrived at Kobe Airport Feb. 21, 2024 (link), to Yokohama November 2024
Last updated: Dec. 7, 2024

Part of the increased number of police air traffic movements caused by the holding of a G20
summit in Osaka in November 2019, the Kanagawa Police AS365N3 visited Nagoya Airport.
The aircraft’s Tanzawa name is that of a mountain range in the northwest of the prefecture.
(Photo: TOMOYA via Twitter @syouwa2pc

JA14KP on a visit to Ryugasaki airfield, Ibaraki Prefecture
(Photo [posted May 2021]: Senda Jet via X @santa463)

The Kanagawa Police BK117C-2 was an immaculate static display visitor to the
Tateyama Helicopter Festival in July 2022.
(Photo: Yamaro via Twitter @Noct_Nikkor)

Newcomer to the Kanagawa Police fleet, Airbus Helicopters H160 JA24KP at Yokohama Heliport
in November 2024.
(Photo: アスロック via X @mizukiMk112)

Representative of an earlier generation type that enjoyed popularity with Japanese police forces,
Bell 206L-4 JA07KP remains in service with Kanagawa Police. This photo was taken during a
post-maintenance test flight at Nagoya in late October 2021. The registration of
sister aircraft JA6173
(see Part 1) had been cancelled in July 2014.
(Photo: しだーぱむぱむ via Twitter @EPSHV)

Kochi Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Kochi-Ryoma Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206L-3 JA6025 51385 Kuroshio Oct. 1990 to Nov. 2011
EC135T2+ JA02KP 0966 Kuroshio Feb. 2011
Last updated: Jan. 8, 2022

Both Kochi Prefectural Police helicopters have carried the name Kuroshio (Black Ocean
Current), as this natural phenomenon passes off the coast of the prefecture.
(Photo: しだーぱむぱむ via Twitter @EPSHV)

The registration of Kochi’s Bell 206L-3 was cancelled in November 2011 and the aircraft passed to 
the Japan Coast Guard School at Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, for use as an instructional airframe.
The aircraft was still present opposite a car park there in October 2018; this photo
shows the aircraft in its prime, at Shizuoka Heliport in December 2010.

Kumamoto Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Kumamoto Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206B JA9180 2211 Ooaso Nov. 1977 to Apr. 1999
BK117B-2 JA6807 1188 Ooaso Mar. 1998 to Jan. 2020
(May 2019 photo: [link
H135 (EC135P3) JA010K 2060 Ooaso Since 2018
Note: Signed contract with Airbus Helicopters Japan for H135 Dec. 26, 2016, for delivery in 2019 
Last updated: Dec. 29, 2021

Carrying on the tradition of being named Ooaso after the “mighty” Mt. Aso, the Kumamoto Police
H135 is seen here at Matsuyama Airport, Ehime Prefecture, in November 2020.
(Photo: でち公 via Twitter @dechi_kooo)

Kyoto Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Kyoto Prefectural Heliport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206B

JetRanger II

JA9299 3371 Heian Sept. 1981 to Apr. 2003
JA9092 898 Heian 2  Mar. 1994 to May 1996*
Bell 206L-4 JA6148 52096 Miyako

(ex N41062)

Dec. 1994 to Aug. 2016

BK117C-1 JA6818 1132 Heian Dec. 2002 to ?
A109E Power JA6004 11826 Miyako Feb. 2016
BK-117D-3 JA794U 21214 Heian Feb. 2024
* Now used at Gunma Heliport for ground instruction purposes (See below and Location Report 2 here)
Last updated: May 5, 2024

Used for recruitment purposes, this fine air-to-air study of the Kyoto Police A109E accompanied the
announcement of the exam schedule for prospective helicopter maintenance engineers in April 
2020. The second of the two kanji that together make up Kyoto, the aircraft’s name
Miyako literally means capital, the function that Kyoto served up until 1868.
(Photo: Kyoto Prefectural Police via Twitter @KPP_saiyo)

Featuring the A109E, Kyoto Police posted a video about their operations on
YouTube in February 2022 (link)

(Photo [Yao Airport, Osaka, Dec. 2022]: ヒロ via X @HiroRjoy)

Like its two predecessor Bell 206Bs, the Kyoto Police BK117C-1 was named Heian after the
 landmark shrine in the city of Kyoto. The name was passed to a BK117D-3
(below) in 2024.
(Photos [taken at Nagoya Airport, via Twitter/X]: [Top, Jan. 2020]: TOMOYA @syouwa2pc);
(above, Apr. 2024) kazu @kazu26927450)

Kyoto Bell 206In service with the Kyoto Prefectural Police for only two years in the mid-1990s, Heian 2 is
now a star attraction at Gunma Heliport’s educational resource centre.

Mie Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Isewan Airport, Tsu
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206B JA9382 3796 Ise Oct. 1984 to Apr. 2006
Bell 206L-3 JA9778 51262 Suzuka Oct. 1998 to Mar. 2010

A109E Power

JA06ME 11662 Ise Feb. 2006
JA10ME 11779 Suzuka Dec. 2009
Last updated: Dec. 12, 2024

JA06MEOne of two A109Es currently in service with Mie Prefectural Police, Ise was on display at JGSDF
Akeno Army Camp in November 2010. The location of an important Shinto shrine, the city of
Ise lies in central Mie Prefecture.
(Photo: Xjm91587 via Wikimedia Commons)

The other Mie A109E Suzuka at Tochigi Heliport, May 2019. (Photo: 祥 via X @rescue60k)

Bell 206L-3 LongRanger JA9778 (Photo [undated]: むいむい via Twitter @R1ffP1w1aX1b7BA)

Having previously served with the Kagawa force for 10 years from 1988, JA9778 spent the rest of its police career in Mie. This additional photo (link) shows Suzuka (the name of a mountain range and city in Mie) at Yao Airport in November 2005.

Miyagi Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base JGSDF Kasuminome
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206B

JetRanger II

JA9092 898 Aoba Jan. 1973 to Mar. 1994*
JA9414 3879 Kuirikoma Aug. 1999 to Apr. 2007**
Bell 206L-4 JA6134 52031 Aoba (ex N7059H)
Dec. 1993 to Oct. 2015
Bell 412EP JA6710 36055 Matsushima (ex N6162C)***
Oct. 1993 to Feb. 2014
A109E Power JA109M 11687 Kurikoma Jan. 2007
AW139 JA139M 31490 Matsushima Flight tested late 2013
* Passed to Kyoto Prefectural Police
** Retired Bell 206B JA9414 formerly with Iwate Prefectural Police, 1985–1999

*** Bell 412EP registered to National Police Agency Mar.-Oct. 1993

Last updated: Jan. 8, 2022

Named Matsushima, the Miyagi Prefectural Police AW139 visited JGSDF Kasuminome in
April 2018 for the event that marked the 61st anniversary of the garrison’s establishment.
 (Photo: 抹茶猫 via Twitter @matchaneco)

The Miyagi Police A109E Kurikoma takes its name from the mountain that straddles
three prefectural borders in the Tohoku region.

(Photo: East Japan Air Technical School via Twitter @ejair_jc21)

For more than 30 years, Miyagi remained a loyal Bell operator, as exemplified by 206L-4 Aoba (Green Leaves) at Niigata Airport on September 2008 (link) and 412EP Matsushima at its Kasuminome home base in May 2012 (link).

Miyazaki Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Miyazaki Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206L-3 JA9849 51315 Himuka Dec. 1989 to Nov. 2011
(Oct. 2007 photo: [link])
EC135T2+ JA110M 0961 Himuka Dec. 2010 (Dec. 2021 photo: [link])
Last updated: Jan. 9, 2022

The above still from a YouTube video (link) shows the Miyazaki Police EC135T2+ during the
disaster preparedness training exercise that was held at the Ikinomori Park in the
city of Miyazaki in December 2013.

The Miyazaki police aircraft name is taken from an ancient legend, from the time when what is today Miyazaki Prefecture was known as Hyuga (“land that faces the sun”), which can also be read as Himuka.

Nagano Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Matsumoto Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 222 JA9553 47038 Yamabiko Nov. 1980 to Dec. 2002
Bell 206L-3 JA9776 51263 Shinshuu Jan. 1989 to March 2014*
AS365N3 JA110E 6614 Yamabiko 1 Jan. 2002 to May 2023
AW139 JA220E 31436 Yamabiko 2 Oct. 2012
AW139 JA01EE 31961 Yamabiko 1 (Testing July 2022)
(*) JA9776 made last flight on March 31, 2014, sold to Australia Sept. 2014
Last updated: Dec. 7, 2024

As they spend a high percentage of their time over mountainous areas, Nagano Police
helicopters have traditionally been named
Yamabiko (Echo). These two photos show
Yamabiko 1, which was introduced as the second aircraft to carry the name in March
2002. It was in May 2013 that the 1,000th person was rescued using this aircraft.

(Photos: [Top, posted Aug. 2021] 瑠菜 via Twitter @ja97na_0412);
[above, posted May 2019] お肉はウェルダン via Twitter @Gigoku_Tensi)

Yamabiko 2 in action in December 2020. The unit passed the 10,000 accident-free flying hours
milestone in February 2003 and 15,000 hours in August 2010, in the year of the
30th anniversary of its formation.
(Photo: ケロー via Twitter @kero56)

Two months after having been registered to Leonardo distributor Mitsui Bussan Aerospace, the latest
Nagoya recruit JA01EE undergoes flight testing at Nagoya in July 2022. Already named
Yamabiko 1, the 61 in the window is the last two of its construction number.
(Photo: アスロックミズキ via Twitter @mizukiyamato10)

Nagasaki Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Prefectural Police HQ, Omura*
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206B JA9218 2553 Saikai Mar. 1979 to Mar. 1993
Bell 206L-3 JA6114 51543 Saikai Mar. 1992 to Feb. 2013**
Bell 429 JA03NP 57016 Saikai Feb. 2012
* Previously based at Nagasaki Airport. ** Bell 206L-3 reportedly on display at Police HQ, Omura
Last updated: Jan. 9, 2022

The Bell 429 of the sole police operator sits in a car park alongside standard and unmarked patrol
cars. Following highly publicized fatal incidents of tailgating on highways in Japan, these assets
are operated in conjunction with those of neighbouring Saga Prefecture not only in watching out
for drivers committing the offence but also in promoting awareness of its dangers and penalties.

(Photo: Nagasaki Prefectural Police Traffic Department via Twitter @NPP_kikaku)

JA9218 at JMSDF Omura, May 1990 (Photo: Takao Kadokami)

Just for the police record, JA6114 at JMSDF Omura, May 1993 (Photo: Takao Kadokami)

Nara Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Nara Prefectural Heliport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206L-3 JA9707 51225 Asuka Nov. 1987 to Oct. 2009*
A109E Power JA110A 11753 Asuka Jan. 2009
(Sept. 2021 photo: [link])
* Registration JA9707 cancelled Oct. 2009. Passed to Japan Coast Guard School at Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, for use as instructional airframe, removed after damaged beyond economical repair in tsunami of March 11, 2011.
Last updated: Jan. 9, 2022

The above still from a YouTube video (link) shows the Nara Police A109E’s
arrival at its home heliport in March 2011.

The name adopted for Nara police helicopters, Asuka is a district in the prefecture that is regarded as the birthplace of the Japanese state and the wellspring of Japanese culture.

Niigata Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Niigata Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206B JA9141 1530 Koshikaze 2 Aug. 1978 to June 1996*
Bell 206L-4 JA6172 52144 Yukikaze Nov. 1995 to July 2002
Bell 412 JA6711 36056 Koshikaze Oct. 1993** to early 2014
Bell 412EP JA01NP 36247 Tokikaze (ex N6379E) Dec. 2000
A109E Power JA02NP 11221 Yukikaze Dec. 2003
AW139 JA13NP 31486 Koshikaze Jan. 2014
* Aircraft placed on open-air display at Niigata Science Museum, Niigata
** Bell 412 JA6711 formerly operated by Tokyo Police Mar. to Oct. 1993
KHI announced order for H145/BK117D-3 in May 2024 (Mar. 2026 del.)
Last updated: Dec. 12, 2024

JA02NPNiigata Prefectural Police A109E Power Yukikaze (literally Snow Wind) overflies Niigata Airport
in January 2013.
(Photo: “Cp9asngf” via Wikimedia Commons)

JA6711The arrival of the A109E signalled the end of the 21-year police career of Bell 412 JA6711.
(Photo: “Cp9asngf” via Wikimedia Commons)

A pre-delivery shot of Bell 412EP JA01NP at the Heli-One maintenance facility in
Delta, Canada, when the aircraft was assigned the test registration C-GLYY.

(Photo [posted Mar. 2024]: Eagle Peak Aviation Inc. via X @Eaglepeak61)

JA01NPThe Bell 412EP Tokikaze (Crested Ibis Wind) swoops over Niigata Airport in May 2012. Having
adopted the crested ibis as its official bird symbol, Niigata is the centre of a breeding
programme that has been reintroducing this endangered species into the wild.
(Photo: “Cp9asngf” via Wikimedia Commons)

Niigata’s Koshikaze participates in a commemorative event at Niigata Airport in September 2022.
(Photo: えおりvia X @AriesATC)

For publicity and recruitment purposes, each prefectural police forces has adopted a cartoon mascot, which are often incongruously much in evidence behind officials at press conferences even for serious crimes. Their designs often based on local produce, those of Niigata’s brother-sister pair are based on grains of rice, as the Koshihikari variety enjoys immense popularity.

In a departure from the norm, the cockpit doors of Niigata Prefectural Police helicopters carry badges that depict a saluting Hikaru-kun (below), the brother of the cartoon mascots adopted in the 1990s. This initial version appeared on Bell 412 JA6711 throughout the 2000s and was carried over to A109E JA02NP.

AW139 JA13NP had a skiing Hikaru-kun badge applied beneath the forward cabin window aft of the fuselage dayglo stripe upon its entry into service in the spring of 2014. Bell 412EP JA01NP’s door badge design was switched from a saluting to a skiing Hikaru-kun at around the same time.

(Hikaru-kun images: Niigata Prefectural Police)

The Niigata Police released a four-minute video on YouTube (link), featuring the AW139, in February 2021.

Oita Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Oita Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206L-3 JA9715 51128 Bungo Feb. 1988 to Mar. 2009
A109E Power JA971V 11752 Bungo Jan. 2009
Last updated: Jan. 23, 2022

JA9715Seen on a visit to Fukuoka Airport in December 2008, Bell 206L-3 JA9715 was replaced by an
A109E Power the following year. 
(Photo: Amayagan via Wikimedia Commons)

Oita Police A109Oita Police’s current equipment is this A109E Power, seen here at an Aviation Day event at Oita
Airport  in September 2014. Like its predecessor, the aircraft is named 
Bungo, the former
provincial name of what is today Oita Prefecture. This historic name survives in
the Bungo Channel that separates Oita Prefecture on Kyushu from
Ehime Prefecture on Shikoku.
(Photo: Takao Kadokami)

JA971V during its flying display at the Oita Airport Aviation Day event, September 2014
(Photos: Takao Kadokami)

Close-up of data-link equipment fitted to JA971V (Photo: Takao Kadokami)

JA9715 at Oita Airport, September 1994 (above) and January 1999 
(Photos: Takao Kadokami)

Okayama Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Okayama Police HQ/Okayama Airfield
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206L-3 JA9706 51224 Washuu Nov. 1987 to Jan. 2009
A109E Power JA110W 11717 Washuu Feb. 2008
Last updated: July 8, 2013

The Okayama police helicopter is another that is named after a mountain;
Mt. Washu is located 20 km south of Kurashiki.
(Photo [Shizuoka Heliport, Mar. 2021]: TA_KU via Twitter @ta_ku_nkn073)

Okinawa Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Naha Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 222 JA9547 47017 Shimamori Feb. 1980 to Sept. 2000*
Bell 206L-3 JA9499 51214 Shimamori 2 Dec. 1996 to Apr. 2009**
AS365N3 JA21RP 6548 Shimamori 1 Feb. 2000 to Aug. 2020
A109E Power JA22RP 11751 Nanpuu Jan. 2009
AW139 JA01RP 31883 Shimamori Apr. 2021
H225 JA001P 2999 Urizun Apr. 2021
* Acquired in 2002, JA9547 one of five former police helicopters in Helicopter History Preservation Association (HHPA) collection in Higashi-Matsuyama, Saitama Prefecture 
** Retired Bell 206L-3 formerly with Toyama Prefectural Police, 1987–1996
Last updated: Dec. 7, 2024

Okinawa’s first state-of-the-art police helicopter in 20 years, AW139 Shimamori undergoes flight
testing at Kagoshima Airport late in 2020. The commissioning ceremony for the aircraft, which
was still lacking a dayglo orange fuselage band, was held in a hangar at Naha Airport on
April 16, 2021. Its name is taken from the Shimamori Tower, a memorial built in 1951 to
honour Akira Shimada, the last wartime governor of Okinawa, and 453 officials.
(Photo: MOR1 via Twitter @anm10w3079)

The Okinawa Police crew flying Nanpū (Southerly Wind) makes a refueling stop at
Tanegashima Airport in November 2017.
(Photo: RZ Makise via Twitter @makkisse999)

H225 Urizun at Tanegashima Airport in Okinawa, May 2024. A word in the Okinawan dialect for
the refreshing season from spring to the start of the rainy season, around February to March,
urizun also happens to be the brand name of a local awamori brandy.
(Photo: RZ Makise via X @makkissee999)

This photo (link) shows Bell 206L-3 JA499 at Yao Airport in July 2006.
Taken three years after its service entry, this photo (link) shows JA21RP at Ishigaki Airport in November 2003. This aircratt’s registartion was cancelled in August 2020.

Osaka Prefectural Police Aviation Unit (Part 1/2)
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)

Kawasaki-Bell 47G-2

JA7062 174 Aozora July 1960 to Nov. 1966*
JA7353 260 Aozora 2 Mar. 1963 to Jan. 1979
Bell 47G3B-KH4 JA7458 2101 Aozora 3 Mar. 1967 to Feb. 1972
Fuji-Bell 204B JA9085 CH-30 Oowashi Oct. 1972 to Nov. 1995
Bell 206B

JetRanger II

JA9103 1013 Asakaze Aug. 1973 to July 1996
JA9206 2414 Chihaya Sept. 1978 to Aug. 2001
AS332L1 JA9679 2240 Oowashi Mar. 1988 to June 2012**
Bell 206L-3 JA9774 51259 Sennari

(ex N911SB)
Nov. 1998 to Sept. 2012

AS365N2 JA6751 6481 Hayakaze Feb. 1995 to June 2014
Bell 206L-4 JA6171 52136 Tsubasa (ex N2123E)
Dec. 1995 to June 2014
* Written off in fatal midair collision with another helicopter during search off Matsuyama,
    Ehime Prefecture, Nov. 16, 1966
** After period in storage, AS332L1 sold and now (May 2014) with HeliHarvest in New Zealand
Last updated: Jan. 7, 2022

JA6751Having entered service with Osaka Police in 1995 to 2014, AS365N2 Hayakaze is seen (above) at
Kansai International Airport in November 2008 and
(below) at Yao Airport the following month. 
Following the arrival of the second AW139, this aircraft’s registration was cancelled in mid-2014.
JA6751(Photos: [Top] Alex Wilson via Wikimedia Commons; [above, from close to a reservoir alongside the
north end of Runway B at Yao] “J o” via Wikimedia Commons)

JA9679Also no longer in service, AS332L1 Oowashi is seen here at Yao airport in October 2009.
The photo was taken from the path outside the airport, on the south side of Runway A.

(Photo: “J o” via Wikimedia Commons)

The Osaka Police Bell 206L-4 JA6171 Tsubasa (Wing) was another aircraft disposed of to make
way for new equipment, in its case in 2014.
(Photo [at Yao Airport]: rekio via Twitter @rekio828)

Photos from earlier days in Osaka Prefectural Police helicopter operations:
Kawasaki-Bell 47G-2 JA7353 (link) and Bell 206B JetRanger II JA9103 (link) in the hangar at Yao Airport in November 1978.
Acquired in 1998, JA7353 is one the five former police helicopters in the Helicopter History Preservation Association (HHPA) collection kept in Higashi-Matsuyama, Saitama Prefecture.
Fuji-Bell 204B JA9085 (link) in the hangar at Yao Airport in December 1980

Osaka Prefectural Police Aviation Unit (Part 2/2)
Base Yao Airport and Osaka International Airport*
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 412EP* JA6868 36211 Maishima Jan. 1999 (ex N4445Y)
EC135P1 JA6803 0172 Chihaya Mar. 2001 to July 2022
AW139 JA6196 31371 Oowashi Nov. 2011
Bell 206L-4 JA6956 52422 Sennari Jan. 2012
AW139 JA6523 41349 Hayakaze (First reg’d Dec. 2013)
EC135P2i JA10PD 1131 Tsubasa Feb. 2014
H135 JA20PD 2153 Chihara Mar. 2022
* Bell 412EP equipped for Special Assault Team (SAT) anti-terrorism operations
Last updated: Dec. 12, 2024

JA6868 Maishima (the name of an artificial island off the Port of Osaka) takes part in a training
exercise with helicopters from other disaster response services in Kaizuka, Osaka Prefecture, in
December 2017.
(Photo: 急行205系統 via Twitter @kc1788)

JA6803 Chihaya (named after a local village, the site of 14th century castle ruins) at
Yao Airport in June 2021
(Photo: Wingtip Sonic via Twitter @WingtipSonic)

JA6956 Sennari (the name of a district in the city of Toyonaka, Osaka Prefecture) during touch and
go training at Yao Airport in May 2021
(Photo: O.Y via Twitter @LHMD11F_Forever)

JA6196 Oowashi (Steller’s Sea Eagle) at Nagoya Airport, Aichi Prefecture, in March 2019
(Photo: Alan Wilson via Wikimedia Commons)

The second of Osaka’s pair of police AW139s, Hayakaze (Fast Wind) entered service in 2014.
(Photo [Jan. 2020]: rekio via Twitter @rekio828)

(Photo [Dec. 2022]: ヒロ via X @HiroRjoy)

Added to the fleet early in 2022 as a replacement for early model stablemate JA6803, H135
 (EC135P3) JA20PD retains the name Chihaya, that of a castle, the ruins of which are to
be found in the village of Chihaya-Akasaka in the southeast of Osaka Prefecture.
(Photo [Sept. 2023]: ヒロ via X @HiroRjoy)

Nowadays representative of one of the “old school” helicopter types, Osaka’s Bell 206L-4
Sennari flares prior to landing in February 2023 (above) and is prepared for
a night departure from Yao Airport in November that year.

(Photos: ヒロ via X @HiroRjoy)

Both taken at Yao Airport, YouTube videos exist of JA10PD starting up and departing in December 2020 (link) and of JA6803 landing at sundown in December 2021 (link).

Saga Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Saga Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206L-3 JA6100 51483 Kasasagi Sept. 1991* to  Apr. 2014
AW109SP JA023G 22289 Kasasagi Dec. 2012
* Bell 206L-3 was formerly C-FKPU
Last updated: Jan.13, 2022

JA6100Both helicopters operated by the Saga Prefectural Police have borne the name Kasasagi (Magpie).
The first was this Bell 206L-3 acquired from Canada in 1991 and replaced by an
AW109SP in the course of 2013.
(Photo: Amayagan via Wikimedia Commons)

The current Kasasagi, a long way from home at Gunma Heliport in January 2022
(Photo: KJ via Twitter @JA10GR_JA01GP)

Saitama Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base JASDF Iruma
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206B JA9205 2411 Musashi Sept. 1978 to May 2000
Bell 206L-3 JA9440 51182 Sakitama Oct. 1986 to Aug. 2010*
BK117C-1 JA6814 1127 Musashi Mar. 2000 (to 2022)
EC135P2+ JA310A 868 Sakitama Mar. 2010
A109E Power JA323N 11758 Mitsumine Mar. 2009
BK117D-3 JA634P 21031 Musashi Del. June 30, 2022
* JA9440 ex N3212K
Last updated: Dec. 7, 2024

saitamapoliceThe Saitama Police BK117C-1 parked at a wet Iruma AB in November 2000, a few months after
its entry into service.

EC135P2+ Sakitama (the old name for what is now Saitama) at Tokyo Heliport in March 2019
(Photo: なぎさ via Twitter @KatanoNagisa)

A109E Power JA323N Mitsumine at Gunma Heliport in June 2019. The aircraft’s name is that of
a mountain and shrine in Saitama Prefecture’s Chichibu region. The wolf statues at the shrine
were once venerated and thought to protect people from burglars and fire.
(Photo: KJ via Twitter @JA10GR_JA10GP)

BK117D-3 JA634P on the day of the Iruma AB Runway Walk event, June 2024;
see Bulletin Board story.
(Photo: 過眠 via X @PA_32R_301T)

Shiga Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Shiga Prefectural Police HQ, Otsu
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206L-3 JA9709 51227 Ibuki Jan. 1988 to Apr. 2008
A109E Power JA110P 11716 Ibuki Jan. 2008
Last updated: July 9, 2013

The Shiga Police A109E Ibuki takes its name from that of a local mountain.
(Photo: アユザック via Twitter @Ayuzak17)

Shimane Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Izumo Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206B JA9443 3941 Chidori Aug. 1986 to Oct. 2007
A109E Power JA02PC 11690 Chidori Feb. 2007
Last updated: July 9, 2013

Shimane’s A109E Chidori (Plover) when on a visit to Shizuoka Heliport in October 2020
(Photo: TA_KU via Twitter @ta_ku_nkn073)

A YouTube video from September 2021 shows the Shimane A109E during its start-up procedures and departure from Nara Heliport (link).

Shizuoka Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Shizuoka Helipad (JASDF Shizuhama)
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206B JA9207 2417 Fuji Sept. 1978 to Jan. 2007
Bell 222 JA9552 47035 Fuji 2 Sept. 1980 to May 2002*
A109K2 JA11PC 10038 Fuji 1 Feb. 2001 (see Note)
AS365N3 JA22PC 6612 Fuji 2 Jan. 2002 to Mar. 2023
A109E Power JA13PC 11686 Fuji 3 Dec. 2006
AW139 JA23PC 31962  Fuji 2 Unmarked, undergoing
pre-del. tests Oct. 2022
Note: A109K2 JA11PC written off in tragic accident, Shizuoka City, May 3, 2005
* Outside at Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology, Fukuroi, Shizuoka Prefecture, Sept. 2020 (link)
Last updated: Dec. 12, 2024

shizuokaas365Shizuoka Prefcetural Police AS365N3 Fuji 2 at JASDF Shizuhama AB, May 2012

Fuji 3 (Photo [Oct. 2018]: via Twitter @spci61)

Destined for the Shizuoka Prefectural Police, AW139 JA23PC is seen here devoid of titling and
markings during pre-delivery flight testing. Its registration having passed from Mitsui Bussan
Aerospace to Shizuoka Police in September 2023, a more recent in-service image of
Fuji 2
can be found here (link). (Photo [posted Aug. 2022]: few000 via X @few0001)

The following four photos provide an interesting walkround of the former Shizuoka Prefectural Police
Bell 206B. The aircraft is now used as an instructional airframe by Japan Aviation Academy Wajima
(JAAW) at its hangar at Noto Airport, Ishikawa Prefecture.
(Photos courtesy Masayuki Sakamoto, JAAW)


Tochigi Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base JGSDF Utsunomiya
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206B JA9424 3922 Nantai Mar. 1986 to Aug. 1998*
BK117C-1 JA6810 1121 Nantai Mar. 1999 to June 2021
Bell 429 JA15TP 57389 Nantai 2022

* Bell 206B (ex N3194J) transferred to Tokyo Police

Note: Was operating Bell 206B-3 JetRanger JA9869 (c/n 4086) leased from HeliService Inc. in full markings as cover while Nantai was on maintenance Jan.-Mar. 2017 

Last updated: Apr. 8, 2023

tochigibk117Named Nantai after a local mountain, the then Tochigi Police BK-117C-1 is seen at
its home base in May 2013.

(Photo [Mar. 2023]: KJ via Twitter @JA10GR01GP223Y)

Tokushima Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Tokushima Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206L-3 JA9844 51302 Shirasagi Nov. 1998 to July 2011
EC135T2+ JA110T 0967 Shirasagi Feb. 2011
Last updated: July 9, 2013

Tokushima Police’s EC135T2+ Shirasagi (White Heron) was one of the helicopters that assisted in
providing security at the meeting of G7 telecommunications ministers held in Takamatsu,
Kagawa Prefecture, in May 2016.
(Photo: みいさん via Twitter @miisanndesu)

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department (TMPD) Aviation Unit (Part 1/3)
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)

Bell 47G-2

JA7047 166
Harukaze 1 Oct. 1959 to Nov. 1976
JA7065 178
Harukaze 2 Aug. 1960 to Mar. 1972*
Bell 47G3-KH JA7341 2001 Harukaze 3 Dec. 1962 to Jan. 1975
KV-107-IIA-5 JA9511 4085 Ootori Feb. 1973 to Feb. 2000

Fuji-Bell 204B

JA9023 CH-12 Ootori 1 Mar. 1968 to May 1984
JA9051 CH-21 Ootori Sept. 1970 to Apr. 1994
JA9068 CH-26 Ootori Mar. 1972 to Nov. 1993**
Hughes 369 JA9065 6617 Hayabusa 1 July 1971 to Nov. 1987**

Bell 206B
Longranger II

JA9094 922 Hayabusa 2 Mar. 1973 to Nov. 1993
JA9133 1476 Hayabusa 3 Oct. 1974 to Oct. 1998
JA9158 2002 Hayabusa 4 Sept. 1976 to Apr. 2000
JA9159 2006 Hayabusa 5 Sept. 1976 to ?
JA9178 2205   July 1998 to Apr. 2000
JA9424 3922 Hayabusa 4 Aug. 1999*** to Aug. 2006
Bell 206L-3 JA6125 51574 Hayabusa 2 Mar. 1993 to Dec. 2013

Bell 206L-4
JA31MP 52209 Hayabusa 1 Nov. 1998 (ex N44319)
JA33MP 52197 Hayabusa 3 Nov. 1997 (ex N7251K)
* JA7065 transferred to Kanagawa Prefectural Police
** JA9068 and JA9065 were acquired by the HHPA in 2002 and 2008, respectively.
*** JA9424 formerly operated by Tochigi Prefectural Police, 1986-1999
The registrations of the last Bell 206L-4s JA31MP and JA33MP were cancelled in June 2019

Last updated: Jan. 14, 2022

JA7047 Harukaze 1 is displayed in the museum within the
Tokyo Metropolitan Police PR Center, Tokyo.

(Photo [Feb. 2018]: 江戸村のとくぞう via Wikimedia Commons)

The above image was taken from an undated YouTube video (link) that shows rare footage of
KV-107IIA-17 JA9511
Oozora departing Tokyo Heliport; a clearer image from the
same location in January 1990 can be found here

JA33MP’s registration was cancelled in June 2019.
(Photo [Tokyo Heliport, circa 2010]: ちぃすけ via X @mononoke2020)

Just visible in the background of this February 2015 photo sits JA9023 Ootori 1, which
has been kept at the Arakawa Campus of the Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial
Technology. A ground level view from September 2020 can be found here
(Photo: ユキカゼ via Twitter @NAVY_ICHIHO)

The first Bell 206B to enter service with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Force (TMPF), JA9094 Hayabusa 2 at Tokyo Heliport in February 1983 (link) and at the 2nd Helicopter Air Show held there in April 1988 (link).

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department (TMPD) Aviation Unit (Part 2/3)
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)

Bell 412
(See Note)

JA9602 33108 Ootori 1 Dec. 1983 to Jan. 2004
JA6635 33208 Ootori 2 (ex N3180G)
Dec. 1990 to June 2009
JA6710 36055   Mar.-Oct. ’93+
JA6711 36056   Mar.-Oct. ’93++
JA6704 36054 Ootori 3 Jan. 1993 (ex N5135Y)
JA6726 36064 Ootori 5 Dec. 1993 (ex N6199A)
Bell 412EP JA6786 36118 Ootori 6 (ex N92130)
Mar. 1996 to June 2016
AS365N JA9648 6205 Ootori 4 Oct. 1986 to Oct. 2006
AS332L1 JA9678 2231 Oozora 1 Mar. 1998 to Sept. 2012
EH101-510 JA01MP 510-002 Oozora 1 Mar. 1999 to 2018
AW139 JA16MP 41408 Ootori 6  Sept. 2015 (See photo)
S-92 JA02MP 920314 Oozora 2 (ex N134WH)
Nov. 2011 (See photos)
+ JA6710 transferred to Miyagi Prefectural Police
++ JA6711 (ex N6162L) transferred to Niigata Prefectural Police
The registrations of last Bell 412s, JA6704 and JA6726, cancelled in Dec. 2013 and Oct. 2014, respectively
Last updated: Jan. 14, 2022

The first Bell 412 to enter service with the TMPF, JA9602 Ootori 1 (above) at Tokyo Heliport in
February 1989 and at JGSDF Kisarazu in November 1998
(link). (Photo: Takao Kadokami)

The sole AS365N operated, JA9648 Ootori 4 at Tokyo Heliport, December 2003 (link).

EH101 JA01MPFirst registered with the TMPD’s Aviation Unit in March 1999 and retired in mid-2018,
AgustaWestland EH-101 JA01MP
Oozora (The Heavens) 1 was placed on display at 
the Aichi Museum of Flight at Nagoya Airport
(below) in February 2019.
(Photos: [Top, JGSDF Kisarazu Nov. 2002] J-HangarSpace;
[above, undated] むいむい via Twitter @R1ffP1w1aX1b7BA)

The Tokyo force’s third and newest AW139 (above) and its S-92 (below) were both retired from
service on April 28, 2020. They had been damaged beyond economic repair by a typhoon
in October 2019 while undergoing maintenance at Aero Asahi’s facility in Kawagoe,
Saitama Prefecture. The sole example of the type in Japan, the S-92 had originally
been registered to Mitsubishi Corporation in November 2011.

(Photos: Lien via Twitter @roomskyguard)


Tokyo’s above-mentioned S-92 JA02MP arrived at the VIH Aerospace facility in Victoria, Canada, in April 2021 (link) and was still present the following month (link). The aircraft has been registered to the VIH Aviation Group as C-GVIY.

Before and after. Sold to the Chinese Zhuhai Yifei aviation company in 2017, as featured in this
corporate video
(link), the former JA6786 retains its Tokyo police colour scheme.
(Photos [undated]: [Top] むいむい via Twitter @R1ffP1w1aX1b7BA);
[above] JChin via Twitter @jeffie_chin)

After 24 years’ service with the Tokyo force from 1988 (link) to 2012, the ownership of 
JA9768 eventually changed to Aero Asahi in 2014, by which time the aircraft
had been stripped of its “uniform”.
(Photos: [Top, Tokyo Heliport, Feb. 1989] Takao Kadokami;
[above] Yao Airport, July 2021]: ヘリ三昧 via Twitter @MH53E_Seadragon)

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department (TMPD) Aviation Unit (Part 3/3)
Bases Tokyo Heliport and JGSDF Tachikawa (see Notes)
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)

Bell 412EP
JA17MP 36210 Ootori 7 Jan. 1999 (ex N44454) to c. Oct. 2024
JA18MP 36238 Ootori 8 Dec. 1999 (ex N6039U)
SUBARU-Bell 412EPX JA19MP 38001   Registered July 2022
EC155B1 JA11MP 6670 Ootori 1  Jan. 2004
H155 JA15MP 6989 Ootori 5 Delivered Aug. 18, 2014
A109E Power JA34MP 11659 Hayabusa 4 Jan. 2006

AW109 Trekker*
JA35MP  22702  Hayabusa 3 Oct. 2018
JA36MP  22703  Hayabusa 1 Aug. 2019
AB139** JA14MP 31026 Ootori 4 Feb. 2006



JA12MP 31157 Ootori 2 Dec. 2008
JA13MP 31435 Ootori 3 Oct. 2012
EC135T2+ JA32MP 1080 Hayabusa 2 Nov. 2012
H215*** JA03MP 3055 Oozora 1 Jan. 2021
BK117D-3+  JA??      
BK117D-3+  JA??      

* Order for two AW109 Trekker helicopters announced June 2016 for 2017 delivery, but first initially registered to Kanematsu Corp. Apr. 2018
** Formerly equipped for Special Assault Team (SAT) anti-terrorism operations, AB139 JA14MP normally based at Tokyo Heliport
 Ordered in June 2017 for delivery early in 2020 to replace the EH-101, which was retired in mid-2018 and placed on display in the Aichi Museum of Flight in Feb. 2019
+ KHI announced order for two BK117D-3/H145s on Apr. 12, 2023, for delivery March 2025 (units unknown). Three previously ordered assigned to Akita, Saitama and Niigata. 

Airbus Helicopters press release dated June 24, 2020 (see Bulletin Board): The National Police Agency has a total of four H135s, one H215 and three H225 Super Pumas on order.

Last updated: Dec. 9, 2024

 JA14MP (2)
(Above and below) Two shots of TMPD AB139 Ootori 4 departing Tokyo Heliport in June 2010.
They were taken from Shin-Kiba Rokudo Park, which is located directly to the east of the heliport.

JA14MP(Photos: “J o” via Wikimedia Commons)

ja13mpNot surprisingly, the TMPD started the trend of operating the AgustaWestland AW139.
Many of the Tokyo force’s helicopters are named
Ootori after a legendary bird.

JA18MP undergoes maintenance when on a visit to Okadama, Hokkaido Prefecture,
in September 2018.
(Photo: CJ via Twitter @armingarea1836)

H155 (EC155B1) JA15MP Ootori 5 (Photo [Mar. 2019]: BriYYZ via Wikimedia Commons)

JA34MPPresent at the Tachikawa airshow in September 2007 was Hayabusa 4, the TMPD’s sole
A109E Power.
(Photo: “Ypy31” via Wikimedia Commons)

Tokyo Police helicopters on the beat, two by two. (Above) JA32MP Hayabusa 2 with
Ootori 3 in hot pursuit; (below) Hayabusa 2 again with JA17MP Ootori 7,
which was retired in autumn 2024.

(Photos via Twitter/X: [Top, Tachikawa, Oct. 2022] なぎさ @KatanoNagisa;
[above, Oct. 2018] stone @stone15DJ)

The colour scheme the two Tokyo A109W Trekkers represents something of a departure from the
staid uniform norm. At the time of their order, which was announced in mid-2016, these were
the first of the type to be destined for a law enforcement agency in Asia.
(Photo: TA_KU via Twitter @ta_ku_nkn703)

EC135T2+ JA32MP Hayabusa 2 (Photo [May 2020]: きりしま via Twitter @katori93cp)

Registered initially to Airbus Helicopters from June 2020, the most recent heavy-lift addition to
the Tokyo fleet, H215 JA03MP
Oozora 5, officially joined the ranks in January 2021.
(Photo: ゴン太なパン職人目指す人。via Twitter @BT_heli02)

Ultimately Tokyo-bound SUBARU-Bell 412EPX JA19MP is seen before donning its uniform during
 flight testing at Utsunomiya.
(Photo [July 1, 2022]: なぎさvia Twitter @KatanoNagisa)

ja17mpThe registration of Bell 412EP JA17MP was cancelled in October 2024, leaving only
JA18MP in service with the TMPD.

tachikawaprepsMorning flight preparations get under way in front of the TMPD hangar at Tachikawa in
November 2013. On the left is the unit’s Eurocopter EC135T2+ that arrived in late 2012,
on the right the same now retired Bell 412EP as illustrated above.

Tottori Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Tottori Prefectural Police HQ, Tottori
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206L-3 JA6099 51482 Sakyuu (ex C-FPKY)
Sept. 1991 to Oct. 2013
A109SP JA39GE 22288 Sakyuu Dec. 2012
Last updated: Jan. 11, 2022

Named Sakyū (Sand Dunes) after one of Tottori’s most famous landmarks, the prefecture’s
A109SP police helicopter is taken on a test flight after undergoing maintenance at
Shizuoka Heliport in November 2020.
(Photo: TA_KU via Twitter @ta_ku_nkn073)

The first police helicopter operated in Tottori, JA6099 parked at Namki-Shirahama Airport, Wakayama Prefecture, in September 2011 (link).

Toyama Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Toyama Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206L-3 JA9499 51214 Tsurugi Oct. 1987 to Dec. 1996*
A109K2 JA6769 10019 Tsurugi Nov. 1995 to Jan. 2015
AW139 JA139T 41345 Tsurugi By end Mar. 2014
* Bell 206L-3 transferred to Okinawa Prefectural Police
Last updated: Jan. 11, 2022

The police in Toyama Prefecture are one of 10 forces that currently have an AW139 at their
disposal. The aircraft is seen here at Hanamaki Airport, Iwate Prefecture, in December 2017
(Photo: 航空機大好きカメラマン via Twitter@AW139AW169)

Toyama Prefecture’s AW139 during its demonstration flight at the helicopter event held annually
at the Crossland Oyabe park complex.
(Photo [Aug. 2024]: ぶろ via X @pro_drive_2008)

Wakayama Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Nanki-Shirahama Airport
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206B JA9413 3878 Kinokuni Aug. 1985 to July 1998*
BK-117B-2 JA6808 1117 Kinokuni Mar. 1998 to Oct. 2019
H135 JA03WP 2061 Kinokuni Sept. 2019

* Bell 206B transferred to Hokkaido Prefectural Police

 Signed contract with Airbus Helicopters Japan for H135 Dec. 26, 2016. Formerly D-HCBD,
 aircraft ownership changed from Airbus to police Jan. 15, 2019 

Last updated: Jan. 11, 2022

The registration of Wakayama Prefectural Police BK117B-2 JA6808 was cancelled after 21 years
in October 2019.
(Photo [2017]: Sea Side Beridox via Twitter @beridox_tape)

JA03WP gets airborne at its Nanki-Shirahama Airport base in January 2020. Kinokuni was the
name of the ancient province that formed part of today’s Wakayama Prefecture.

(Photo: むいむい via Twitter @R1ffP1w1aX1b7BA)

Yamagata Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Yamagata Prefectural Police HQ, Yamagata
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206L-3 JA9717 51230 Gassan Jan. 1988 to Mar. 2009
A109E Power JA80GT 11714 Gassan Dec. 2007*
* A109E entered operational service Feb. 2008
Last updated: July 9, 2013

 JA80GTYamagata Police A109E Power Gassan, photographed in May 2008, three months after its
service entry.
(Photo: contri via Wikimedia Commons) 

Yamaguchi Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Yamaguchi Prefectural Police HQ, Yamaguchi
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 206L-3 JA9767 51245 Akiyoshi Oct. 1998 to July 2010
A109E Power JA10YP 11778 Akiyoshi Dec. 2009
Last updated: July 9, 2013

Ube Airport, June 2019. The Yamaguchi Prefectural Police A109E passes the Aero Asahi BK117C-2
JA6925 then being operated in the Doctor-Heli network for Yamaguchi University Hospital. Both
aircraft were taking part in a training exercise alongside the Yamaguchi and Hiroshima
disaster relief aviation units.
(Photo: れんし via Twitter @Kirara21YA)

Yamanashi Prefectural Police Aviation Unit
Base Nishiyatsushiro, Yamanashi Prefecture
Helicopter Type Reg’n c/n Name In Service Date(s)
Bell 222 JA9582 47082 Hayate Dec. 1982 to Aug. 2004
Bell 412EP JA110Y 36321 Hayate Jan. 2004
Last updated: July 9, 2013

With Mt. Fuji serving as a perfect backdrop, Yamanashi Prefectural Police Bell 412EP Hayate
departs the force’s heliport. (Photo [Dec. 2019]: なぎさ via Twitter @KatanoNagisa)


From left to right, the AW139s operated by the Tokyo, Osaka and Hokkaido police forces parked at
Naha Airport, Okinawa Prefecture, in August 2017.
(Photo: zapporo via Twitter @zakogumo

The hangar of the Kagawa Prefectural Police Aviation Unit (right) is located next to that of the
prefecture’s fire and disaster prevention operations in a corner of Takamatsu Airport.

(Photo [Mar. 2019]: [ハマーチャンネル] ハマー via Twitter @jr8600kei)

Aside from major natural disaster rescue and relief operations, the G7 summit meetings that Japan hosted in Ise-Shima in 2016 and Hiroshima in 2023 necessitated a major police helicopter presence. YouTube video footage (thankfully with ambient sound) that captured the helicopter operations at JGSDF Akeno in 2016 can be found on the Tomo306Jeans channel. These include (pre-event training [link]) and (link).

Eight police helicopters were present at Hiroshima-Nishi Airport on May 20, 2023, the
second day of the three-day G7 summit.
(Photo: なぎさ via X @KatanoNagisa)

The Hyogo representative (JA110H) sits at the rear of four police helicopters parked in line astern
at the end of the G7 Summit in Hiroshima, May 2023.
(Photo: なぎさ via X @KatanoNagisa)




Air Shows in 2025
Mar. 2  Komaki
Mar. 29  Kumagaya
May 25  Miho
May 25  Shizuhama
June 8  Hofu-Kita
Aug. 31  Matsushima
Sept. 21  Misawa
Oct. 19  Gifu
Oct. 26  Hamamatsu
Nov. 3  Iruma
Nov. 30  Tsuiki

Air Shows in 2024
Jan. 20  Iruma
Mar. 3  Komaki
Mar. 24  Kumagaya
May 19  Shizuhama
May 26  Miho
June 2  Hofu-Kita
Aug. 25 Matsushima
Sept. 8  Misawa
Sept. 15  Chitose
Sept. 23  Komatsu
Oct. 6  Ashiya
Oct. 27  Hamamatsu
Nov. 3  Iruma
Nov. 17  Gifu
Nov. 24  Tsuiki
Dec. 1  Nyutabaru
Dec. 8  Hyakuri
Dec. 8  Naha

Air Shows in 2025
Jan. 12  Narashino
 (paratroop display)
Apr. 5  Kasuminome
Apr. 12  Hachinohe
Apr. 12  Somagahara
Apr. 13  Jinmachi
May 19  Takayubaru
May 24  Kasumigaura
May 24* 
(*) To be confirmed

Air Shows in 2024
Jan. 7  Narashino
 (paratroop display)
Apr. 6  Kasuminome
Apr. 6  Utsunomiya
Apr. 13  Somagahara
May 19  Takayubaru

June 1
June 30  Okadama
Sept. 29  Tachikawa
Oct. 5  Kisarazu

Nov. 10  Akeno
Nov. 24  Yao 

Air Shows in 2025
Apr. 19  Atsugi
  (US Navy/JMSDF)
Apr. 27  Kanoya
May 4  Iwakuni
(Joint Friendship Day)

Air Shows in 2024
Apr. 20  Atsugi
  (US Navy/JMSDF)
Apr. 28  Kanoya
May 5  Iwakuni
(Joint Friendship Day)
July 21  Tateyama
July 28  Hachinohe
Sept. 29  Ozuki

Oct. 26  Shimofusa
Nov. 2  Tokushim


JASDF 2023


JASDF 2022









JASDF 2019

Komaki 2019 poster



JGSDF 2023


JGSDF 2022


Narashino 2019
 (paratroop display)


JMSDF 2023


JMSDF 2022







Ozuki 2019



(Please note that air show dates are subject to change/cancellation.)


Asian Air Arms

The Aviation Historian

Nabe3’s Aviation Pages


Japan Association of Aviation Photo-

(Site dedicated to displayed aircraft in Asia)


(To May 2022)

Due to the developers
ceasing to support the 
plug-in, the flag
counter has been
replaced twice.
Previously, there had
been more than
45,000 visitors from
the United States,
40,000 from Japan,
and 25,000 from the
UK alone.

(From May 2022)

Flag Counter

Thanks to all for visiting!